Guy Mendilow Ensemble
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Ages Grades 5+
Length 60-90 minutes | Single Session  
Best for intimate classroom presentation


Through story and song, this classroom program introduces students to the richness and complex histories of Jewish cultures from the Ottoman Empire.

What might many today find surprising about the relationships between Jews, Muslims and Christians in the Ottoman Empire? What assumptions might such surprises disrupt?

What might Jewish communities of the Ottoman Empire suggest about multiethnic societies today?

What is it about these stories that makes them live on in our imaginations, even when they come from very different times and places?

Teaching Resources

An All-Too-Brief Introduction to Ladino (Sephardic) Song

Sephardic Field Recording Archive

Sephardic Studies at University of Washington, Seattle (including Digital Museum)

The Forgotten Kingdom — Multimedia production scene guide 

Calling a Fig a Fig: Navigating Tensions Between Cultural Curation & Artistic Creation

This was one of the best concerts we’ve had. Teachers and kids loved it. Guy’s crew is wonderful!
— Nina Vansuch, Sumner Boys & Girls Club Director, Roslindale, MA (Outreach sponsored by Celebrity Series of Boston)
The kids loved it! They are still talking about it!Thank you for giving our students this wonderful experience! So many of them don’t have the opportunity to attend events like this. You gave them an experience of a lifetime!
— Karen Gonzalez, Director of Community Partnerships, Hurley K-8 Afterschool Program, Boston, MA (Outreach sponsored by Celebrity Series of Boston)