Guy Mendilow Ensemble


University - Adult 1-3 day program 
Length 90 minutes | Master Class
Configuration Solo
Relevant to Music Education/Music


Music is more than just "right" notes

Old question: 
If playing the right notes is not enough, what is it that musicians must bring to the music to bring the music to life in the most powerful and evocative ways - and how do we learn that?

New answer: 
By using the body as an instrument and expressing music through purposeful movement, we can develop a powerful, experiential knowledge of musical concepts. By applying this knowledge to performance, reading, writing and listening, our music gains vitality.

This is the core of Dalcroze Education, a powerful experiential approach to heightening musical vibrancy through purposeful movement.

In this master class, students gain a first hand experience of Dalcroze Education. Students engage in typical Dalcroze activities and explore some of the pedagogy, principles and teaching strategies for this joyful approach.

Come prepared to move. No previous experience is necessary.

Further Reading

What is Dalcroze Education?

Origins of Dalcroze Education



  • Expand your ability to hear with your eyes and see with your ears.

  • Read music with greater expression, fluidity and precision.

  • Increase your vitality with complex rhythms, meters, phrasing and harmony.

  • Tap into the thrill of improvisation.
